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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Will Form 8854 Beneficial

Instructions and Help about Will Form 8854 Beneficial

My god the three little aha here let me throw out common people svensk anybody has not flown and earlier just scaring the rest of you it's a pleasure to be here and tell you about intelligible intelligence and beneficial intelligence with IntelliJ what could possibly go wrong so let me to illustrate that change my system preferences alright so although most of my research at MIT these days is on artificial intelligence I've spent my first 25 years of research doing physics so let's start with a physics example just to remind ourselves of the big picture so as an example the Apollo 11 moon mission was both successful and inspiring reminding us that when we humans use technology wisely we can accomplish things that our ancestors could only dream of but there's an even more inspiring journey that's propelled by technology more powerful than than rocket engines where the passengers aren't just three astronauts but all of humanity so let's talk about our collective journey into the future with artificial intelligence my friend that young Talon likes to point out that justice with rocketry it's not enough to make our technology powerful we also have to figure out how to steer it and where we want to go with it so let's talk about all three for artificial intelligence the power the steering and the destination starting with the power I define intelligence very inclusively simply as the ability to accomplish complex goals because I want to include both biological and artificial intelligence and I want to avoid this silly carbon chauvinism idea that you can only be smart if you're made of meat it's really amazing to see here at HK how the power of AI has grown recently think about it not long ago robots couldn't...