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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Who Form 8854 Blog

Instructions and Help about Who Form 8854 Blog

The blogosphere does not discriminate. Everybody can start a blog, which is a fabulous thing. I mean, it's really open to the public, regardless of where you come from and who you are. But why in the world should you actually start one? There are a lot of unpaid hours that go into running a successful blog, even a hobby blog, to be honest with you. And there are a couple of reasons why I think it's actually worth it. Because if we're being totally blunt, you're going to put in a lot of unpaid hours, and it's going to feel like a really thankless job. Maybe you're creating fabulous content, and honestly, nobody's on your site right now. Nobody's reading it. And you will start to feel like, is it actually worth all of the time and effort to run a blog? I think it is, and I've got a couple reasons why. So in this video, I'm going to share the top ten reasons why I think you absolutely should start a blog. Hey everyone, I'm Alison Lindstrom, and you are watching my latest video on blogging tips and mom hacks. Don't forget to hit that subscribe button and ring the little bell right next to it, so that you don't miss any of the goodness that I share on this channel. Now, without further ado, enjoy today's video. Reason number one, if you are truly passionate about a certain topic or hobby or theme or whatever it is, if you're passionate about something and you love to share that passion with others, you should start a blog. The most successful blogs, like the blogs that I'm talking about, are those successful blogging businesses where they're generating income and actually helping people. Those blogs are teaching people something. They are...