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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Who Form 8854 Attach

Instructions and Help about Who Form 8854 Attach

Okay, as usual, come on a Friday evening. I haven't got much of an idea what I'm going to talk about, but usually come up with something. It's lovely when you don't plan these things and just let them arise. And you find out if you have the confidence and courage not to plan things. Usually, life goes on much more smoothly and beautifully when we plan things, which is so stiff that we don't adapt to the changing situations, new ideas, the new ways of doing things. We become sort of so predictable. But when we actually start to just live in the present moment and not make plans, have confidence, then things are much better. They're not perfect. I've been telling people one of my sayings that I know this from experience when I don't make plans, then I don't plan the future. Then many things go wrong. They don't plan them. But if I do plan things, go wrong anyway. So either way, they go wrong. So might as well enjoy enjoyed it before it goes wrong by relaxing. That's my motto. Relax before all goes wrong because it's going to go wrong with you plan or not. So you just add that. But just before I came in, I was looking in my father's office and every now and then someone sends on a letter. And as though it was a letter from somebody as a Zen practitioner in Japan. And they were asking a very fundamental easy question. But I thought I can expand on it for this evening's talk. It's just basically that all this talking but is about letting go, letting go, letting go. But are we supposed to be doing something as well? Doing something to help people in suffering such as...