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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Who Form 8854 Abroad

Instructions and Help about Who Form 8854 Abroad

Hello and welcome back to dukascopy TV now today we're talking legislation which is having an impact on financial institutions across the world I'm joined in the studio today by Jackie Bunyan and she's going to tell me more about it Jackie thank you so much for joining me well thank you for having me it's a pleasure to be here so Jackie can you tell me a little bit more about aca aca was founded about 30 32 33 years ago here in Geneva but we now have worldwide membership in over 90 countries and we are the only organization which is representing the interests of American citizens residing overseas in Washington DC ACA also is concerned with issues related to transmission of citizenship there are issues related to Social Security and Medicare and voting in addition to the the taxation issue is the banking issue and I think we'll we'll get on to this we're going to be talking a little bit more about this new legislation we've been hearing so much about this FATCA in fact we've mentioned it a few times on dukascopy TV can you tell me a little bit more about how fat cat affects Americans living abroad vodka is is creating a major impact on the life of Americans overseas and in fact coupled with citizenship based taxation FATCA is the straw that has broken the camel's back thanks because they are required to report on all american accounts to the IRS under fatca are turning away American citizens American citizens are having difficulty maintaining bank accounts obtaining mortgages and when they live overseas and they cannot have a local bank account this is a rather dramatic situation so Jackie ACA have recently published the tax reform proposal can you tell me a...