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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Which Form 8854 Terminated

Instructions and Help about Which Form 8854 Terminated

Member sin number one: terminating rashly and in a fit of anger. Tom, you're fired. That's the last straw. You're out of here, and I mean now. There are at least three things wrong with an on-the-spot termination. People don't make good decisions when they're emotionally overwrought. There are many factors to consider before terminating, and being disrespectful encourages people to sue. Bottom line, wait until you talk to HR." 2. "Sin number two: terminating in public, especially in a humiliating way. Did you see that catch A key Brandon made last night at Wasowski? I can't believe that somebody could just stretch out that much. Another coffee break, Bill? You know, I think you're a little too lazy and a little too slow to be in this job. I'll make an example out of you. You're fired. Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot about that, Chris. Whoever thought you were manager material should be fired right along with you. You're done here. Get your things and go. Public humiliation is a lawsuit magnet. There's no good reason to treat people this way, and a host of reasons to avoid it. Another similar problem is the perp walk, that is, when you publicly march someone to the door carrying a bag of belongings with a security escort. That's begging for a lawsuit. I never would have thought of stealing, but the way they humiliated me, will you help me take them down? Absolutely Chris, you made the right call. You came to the right place." 3. "Sin number three: terminating without checking with HR. Let's today be your last day. I'll talk to HR to manage the administrative details. HR is going to take forever on this. I want this nutjob gone today. Miller, get in here. HR needs to be able to...