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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Which Form 8854 Immigration

Instructions and Help about Which Form 8854 Immigration

I am immigration attorney John Pastrami. How do I obtain proof of having filed taxes for immigration purposes? This is a crucial topic because filing taxes is essential in order to obtain benefits from the Immigration Department. In many cases, people lose their tax returns or simply don't have them. However, there is an option to rectify this situation. The IRS provides an online option to obtain tax transcripts, which are abbreviated versions of your taxes. These transcripts can be provided to other government agencies as evidence that you have indeed filed taxes. To obtain them, you can visit the IRS website and go to the tax transcript page. Then, you can go through the online process to obtain the desired documents. These transcripts are necessary for various types of immigration cases. For instance, if you are sponsoring a family member, it is crucial to demonstrate your ability to provide financial support, and tax returns are required for this purpose. Moreover, in removal proceedings, it may sometimes be necessary to prove good moral character or show that you have resided in the state for a sufficient period of time. Additionally, when filing for naturalization, having evidence of your actions can be advantageous, particularly for the moral character assessment.