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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Which Form 8854 Asset

Instructions and Help about Which Form 8854 Asset

Music. But Garret Sutton talked about the need to have different types of attorneys for different types of specialties. So, when I met Garrett 15-20 years ago, I came and I really had very little. And when Garrett came up to me, he says, "I am a specialist." What he specializes is asset protection. Now, if not for Garrett, son Kim and I over the years since Rich Dad Poor Dad was started 20 something years ago, our assets have grown immensely. If Garrett had not protected Kim and me, we would have lost everything. So, I'd like to introduce Garrett because his specialty is corporate law and asset protection. Please listen to him because there's no sense trying to get rich if you don't first have asset protection in place. And here's Gary, thank you, Robert. It's been a pleasure working with Robert and Kim over all these years, and it's also been great writing these books: "Start Your Own Corporation" and "Loopholes of Real Estate." I've really enjoyed it. I think it's important that people understand that while you don't have assets now, you're gonna have assets in the future. And so, you need to think about asset protection right now. Let's look at a financial statement to help understand where asset protection comes in. If you went to school and got a job, you're probably right here. You don't need me at this point. If you're an employee, and the reason for that is, you have a job, it's not an asset. I can't really protect your job. And if you have a retirement plan right here, a 401k or whatever, you don't need me, it's a security, it's protected already. Again, you don't need me. But if you're going to build assets here, if you're going...