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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing What Form 8854 Arent

Instructions and Help about What Form 8854 Arent

Music, here are the eight most dangerous places to swim in the world. You know, there are a lot of amazing outdoor swimming areas in the world. Some of them are safe and protected with lifeguards watching over you while you swim, bathe, dive off rocks, and play in the water. But some beaches are not just unsafe, they're outright dangerous. Yeah, so here are eight places where you should never attempt to swim if you treasure your health and life. Really, now, before you start making a list of anti-locations, hit the subscription button. This will take you to the bright side of life where there are numerous videos that can answer almost any question you have. And remember to ring the notification bell, that's how bright ciders get alerted to daily updates on the channel. Alright, here we go. Number eight, blue holes. Now, these mysterious and amazing formations were created by nature thousands of years ago. They're located all over the world and have the common name of blue holes. They are sinkholes situated underwater. In fact, they are vertical caves that branch into numerous long underwater hallways. Most blue holes are open to the public. However, some of the biggest ones have acquired a really bad reputation among divers. For example, there's a blue hole in the Red Sea. Wow, that's colorful. That attracts adrenaline junkies from all over the world. This formation has an incredibly complicated structure with hundreds of underwater tunnels. Unfortunately, this hole didn't receive the nickname "The Divers' Cemetery" out of the blue. Get it? The blue? Yep, too many inexperienced divers underestimate their skills and, let's say, don't manage to return to the surface in time. Number seven, colorful pools. It's hard to believe that nature created something as colorful as the thermal...