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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Fill Form 8854 Renounce

Instructions and Help about Fill Form 8854 Renounce

Aloha, this is Ken O'Keefe in Gaza. I'd like to tell my story of renouncing US citizenship. It's an interesting one. First off, let me say that I decided to renounce my US citizenship in my early 20s. I remember it very vividly. I was in a class in San Diego City College. I was taking a class on American history from a black perspective. This was the period where I started to awaken to all the lies that are told to Americans. When I was younger, I actually developed some real prejudices towards black people. It was due to pure ignorance of the facts and history. So, I took this American history class from a black perspective and started to learn all the lies told about the pervasive racism in America. It denied me the understanding of what really happened to black people. I took that class and thought to myself, "My God, I could have been a racist. I could have been one of these ignorant fools." I learned all the things that our society has done to black people and continues to do. I realized that I would renounce my US citizenship at some point. I didn't happen until many years later when I became involved in the Hawaiian independence movement. I learned about all the crimes America has committed against the Hawaiians, the kanaka maole. I became a Hawaiian national and renounced my US citizenship while living in Hawaii on March 1st, 2001. It was a very long process. You have to apply to the US State Department for the paperwork. They send it to you, you fill it out, and then you send it back to the State Department. You have to identify what country you will renounce because you cannot do this inside the...