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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Fill Form 8854 Greenback

Instructions and Help about Fill Form 8854 Greenback

Jesse, my man, it's been like a week. I haven't seen you. Oh, you know, man, just come home, some new exercises. That's not a new exercise. That's a lot. Hold on, that's not a lot. Hold up, that's a Romanian pulldown. What's a Romanian pulldown? Alright, so that's really great because you take your femur, right, and that's your humerus, and you get it up and internally rotate, external rotation, yeah. And then you really abduct your elbows deep into your sides. I mean, that does the trick. And then on the way up, on the concentric, you really go slow with that eccentric, right? Yeah. So, it's great because it works your lats, it works your hamstrings and your quads. Do I do anything useful? What's up guys, Jeff Cavaliere athleanx.com. It's time to start rocking on those pulldowns. And no, I didn't lose my mind. I'm not talking about this kind of rocking. You see, this only gets you into an exercise sales video. And if maybe not somebody else is there, certainly we get you into mine. If you haven't seen it, you can actually watch that video here at the end of this one. It's worth the couple of minutes to see what I'm talking about, is starting to rock on your pulldowns like this. You know, you see, this actually has a lot of benefits. And as an advocate for doing many, many different types of pulldowns, this is one that needs to fit into your regime because it's going to provide benefits that you're not feeling right now. You see, when it comes to the lat pulldown, guys, this exercise is one of the best ways to train your lats because it allows for the versatility of a lot of different hand grips,...