Hey Dirt Farmer, today here from Dirt Farmer jet comm. If you're like many people dealing with these guys, extension cords are going to be a real problem. A common way that people are winding these up is to take one end, grab onto it, and then start to coil it around their arm like this. They catch it in the cradle of the thumb and forefinger around the elbow and wind it around like this. Now, there's a couple of problems with this approach. Number one, every time you wind it, you introduce twists in the line because you have to roll it around to get it back to itself. Some of the loops are thicker, some are smaller. When you plug this thing together, you go, "Hey, good, it's stored. I need to get a loop on it somehow." But you can see the irregularity of this thing. It's all kind of twisted. Some of the loops are larger, some are smaller. And worse yet, the most problematic thing here is when you go to use the cord and toss it out like this, it tangles up. But I'll tell you what, there's a better way. Alright, if your cord looks like this and you've got a mess like this, here's the way to solve that and make it so every time you've got it in your tool, your truck, stowed in the drawer, whatever, you can pull it out and it'll always come uncoiled without snags and without a lot of twists in it. The first thing you've got to do is work through the cord. Just start at the beginning and get all the curls out of it. See there? See, I'm twisting it, and look, I didn't think that out. That's just the normal way. As...
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