Hello Anthony, hello Cory. Sorry, I interrupted you. That's right, we're joined today by Keith Redmond, an American overseas. I would say global advocate, seeing how much he fights tirelessly. Keith, thanks for joining us today. Thank you for having me back. We really wanted, oh sure, any time. We want to focus on some tax traps for people who are or considering becoming US persons. Quickly, I think we should touch on an update since we talked to you so often about FATCA and territorial taxation for individuals. FATCA was, it's right now has been tabled to repeal FATCA. That doesn't officially mean no, but it is a bummer. But, there is, you said still a lot of work going on behind the scenes for that, correct? Exactly, so it's not over. It's going to be a fight, that's a given. But, it's, you know, far from being over and there's a lot of work that's being done behind the scenes and ensuring that we get a repeal of that. There is no fix to FATCA, that's the bottom line, contrary to what some individuals and organizations say. There is no fix, even the Department of Treasury came out and said they would not accept the fix proposed. We are about a full repeal and because I deal with the damage and discrimination every week, literally every week, this is not hyperbole. This is the only thing that we can accept, is a full repeal. So, I just want to tell the people who are listening that it's not over, okay? In fact, I sent someone new over to Keith this morning, someone who I talked to and his description of finding out about FATCA, he said it felt like a piano falling on his head. And just, a really, really good...
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