The broadcast is now starting. All attendees are in listen-only mode. Okay, welcome everyone to our latest webinar in this TaxLync web webinar series. Today, we're looking more specifically at US expatriation or renouncing your US citizenship and all of the tax implications behind that decision. Just to get some admin issues out of the way before we get started, Virginia Lottery checker is with us. You cannot see her because we had some tech issues, but she is online and you'll be able to hear her. Also, we are recording this webinar and we will have an audio recording and a transcript available to all listeners and everyone else in the taxing community within a few weeks. Also, keep in mind that if you're listening and you have any questions, make sure to use the GoToWebinar control panel to submit your questions. I will then actually try to work them into the discussion as we go along. So, with that said, I will be moderating. I am TaxLync's content manager. So, without further ado, I'd like to ask each one of the panelists to introduce themselves. Jaime, how about you go first? "My name is Jimmy Saxton. I'm the president of Esquire Group, an international tax firm that helps mainly US citizens and businesses doing business abroad or living abroad. We also work a lot with people who've expatriated or are planning their expatriation." "Excellent! Thank you, Jaime. Leonard, how about you?" "Yes, my name is Leonard Cooper, and I'm the CFO of Leonard Cooper USA Income Tax Services in Jerusalem, Israel. I'm an accountant, and my practice is primarily in US tax compliance, preparing US tax returns, and representation before the IRS. And of course, we've done quite a number of expatriations over the last couple of years." "Excellent! Thank you, Leonard....
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