Camas kind of like a blank canvas with some like some texture. 2. I didn't see a white dot there that's supposed to be there. 3. Looks like something I would could be a lot of flies to flip it of paper yeah because I will put this down on my floor my floor tiles. 4. These people are describing Robert diamonds painting bridge it sold for twenty point six million dollars at a Christie's auction in 2015. 5. How is an all-white painting considered art and why would anyone shell out millions for something like this? 6. There are a lot of these quote-unquote white paintings. Many people trace them back to kazimir Malevich is 1918 work white on white, but there are many artists who created these kind of paintings. 7. Agnes Martin Joubert Josef Albers, most of these artists were associated with an art movement called minimalism, which emerged in the late 1950s. 8. When I say the minimalist, I mean minimalism with a capital M, not a lowercase. This is Elizabeth Sherman, she's an assistant curator at the Whitney Museum in New York. 9. It's tempting to look at one of these paintings and think some jerk just took a tube of white paint and spread it on a canvas, but it's not actually that easy. 10. I mean mine rules obviously because I'm a genius, but there's usually a lot more than meets the eye. 11. White isn't really a pure thing, white is always tinted in some way. 12. Paint is made up of a variety of pigments, if you've ever painted the walls of your house you know how many different whites there are to choose from. 13. And maybe if you only look at one, it looks like pure white, but when you hold them up in an array you can see the subtle...
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